About Me
The "Hello World!"

My first experience with programming was in the summer after I graduated from the university. Just like lots of graduates, I was confused about the future. So I started to explore the fields I might be interested in, and programming was one of them. After doing the research, I started my journey by watching the tutorials on a youtube channel called The New Bostom. HTML, CSS, and Javascript were the first things that I learned. I was surprised that coding is fun! Although there were tons of problems to solve, I enjoyed the moments when I made any progress. Then I finished the tutorials about PHP and SQL.

Learning In The Hard Way

I still feel fuzzy after finishing those video tutorials. So I decided to check out the knowledge written in the books. The first book I got was the sixth edition of JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, a great book written by David Flanagan. As a beginner, it was a thought process to digest the information in the book. I spent months finishing reading the book, I won't say it was a pleasant memory, but I'm glad I did so. After all, the experience made me feel more confident to learn new things. Since then, I've been striving to explore the unknown.

First Real-World Experience

I got my first job as a Project Engineer in the R&D department in CKmates, an AWS partner. My work was to build and maintain the websites in LAMP or LNMP stacks on both the front-end and back-end. One of the tasks was to rebuild a billing system to aggregate the information of the bills, provide more customer service as a role of an AWS reseller and remake the UI layout. I finished the requirements single-handedly by following the guide from a PM and the Department Manager. The process helped me recap the knowledge that I learned from the books. In addition, I gained lots of new knowledge while building the project, such as the experience of using PHP MVC framework, Linux, Git; Using Relational Database, and getting the concepts of AWS.

Current Position

Currently, I am working in Accudata as a Front-End developer. I helped the team integrate some ES6+ technologies, such as React framework, into the development workflow. Then built several e-commerce websites and other projects based on the new structure. I also used Node.js and Express to develop a line-bot, now with over 6.5 hundred thousand followers. Moreover, I provided ways to deploy applications on AWS to help the company accumulate cloud-using experience. Besides, I maintain several Java projects and develop shell scripts related to them.